00:12 19 Oct 2006
That was deep and tough to talk about... thanks for opening up and being so raw and amazing. I would love to know how your brain works what you think about what goes on in your mind, are you the kind of persona that just analizes everything and everyone? do you think about random creative stuff about music and movies? or you always think about your daughter? how is your relationship with her?
00:41 19 Oct 2006
Still even if its on a so called professional-only level I think for you its a way to be with youre father and to try to understand whats not to understand ..but youre family ..for always
00:44 19 Oct 2006
Asia ,i feel so sorry to have pushed you to that, so tomorrow lets talk about something fun,what do you think?
19:29 19 Oct 2006
My heart goes out to you...
19:57 19 Oct 2006
it is really hard talking from the Heart. I try to sometimes with family but when you go beneath the surface you realise each person has a different take on a situation that may still be raw for you. Its hard realising that an event that can take place years ago can have such a deep effect on others. When you are young you dont have the power of expression, so its hard to explain or talk about what you see or experiance. But strangly as you age the feeling doesnt, and when you think back to things you will always look at it in the same way you did then.
purple absinthe
23:16 20 Oct 2006
rispondi a questa domanda : Chi sei?non chi e' Asia l'attrice maledetta ma chi sei tu?
Se'an O'Brien
10:44 21 Oct 2006
Those Christmas lights don't seem very festive.