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Day 2:

published on 6 May 2021

Answering the question, 'Do you ever experience a creative block?', the second day of the @SHOWstudio Instagram takeover saw the artists reflect on how they deal with the demanding pressure to always be creative.

Answering the question, 'Do you ever experience a creative block?', the second day of the @SHOWstudio Instagram takeover saw the artists reflect on how they deal with the demanding pressure to always be creative.

Do you ever experience a creative block? If so, how do you overcome this?

Britt Lloyd

I read a lot of biographies such as the Man Ray book, the Newton book or the Lee Miller book. The realisation that everyone faces the same moments of self-doubt helps me to find a way to keep pushing on. There is always an answer if you keep looking.

Drag Syndrome The artists we work with are always switched on which is a privileged place to be! We are independent so we work with little or no budget, which forces us to be extra creative and look for alternative ways to make the best out of what we've got.

Fecal Matter

We experience creative blocks all the time, but we don’t overcome it by choice. It happens more by the circumstances of life that force us to get creative even when we don’t feel it, in order to survive.

Joseph Häxan

Yes. Often after a big project is complete, I feel artistically 'restful'. However, I know that for me, it is important to get going again without too much time away, because my artistic ability is like a muscle. If you leave it too long it can take a little while to get it going again. The best way to get over a block is just to work, keep trying until something clicks, and then you're on the right track again. Often I start with a pretty clear idea of what it is I want to achieve, but equally there are times you just have to stop thinking so much and start doing.

Metta Modernist

I think we all do. For me, I forget my head and I'm a child again, and my mouth empties all surrender, waiting, wanting, wallowing, convulsing in self-abandonment. I'm a different being every morning, never the same language I fell asleep as. My many selves shift with such tenacity that at times I feel invisible in my own form. I had to learn to relinquish the body, existing in both verb and adjective, no more self-policing.

Mimi Haddon

I overcome my creative blocks through the collaborations I do with my muses/dancers. There have been so many mornings when I wake up and think that I have said everything that needs to be said in regards to The Palace Project. I have a big case of imposter syndrome, and I can easily convince myself that I'm barking up the wrong tree. Then the moment the dancer appears, those thoughts vanish and we weave our way through the process and before you know it, the creature reveals itself and the magic is underway. I find that the most important move is to get a date on the calendar. As long as there is a plan in motion, the rest falls into place. I love a deadline and will work around the clock to meet them. I also experiment a lot with the images I make, through collage, animation and sound. It can be a challenge taking an image that I really like and messing with it. But it is a very liberating moment to take something precious and turn it over on its side. So many surprises await us when we force ourselves to challenge our point of view. It is like a muscle that needs training and reminding. Push through that first idea and dig into what lies beneath, then dig even further. That’s where the riches reside.


Yes, it happens a lot. I think it is important to be patient. Then, I just try to make myself feel comfortable, so I often go for walks to the beach or the mountains.

Shalva Nikvashvili

Not very often. Sometimes, when I have felt blocked, I've learned that best way to deal with it is just to take a small rest, a walk, or write in my notebook what I feel in that moment.

Sinéad O’Dwyer

Not really. My issue is organising my ideas into categories and focusing on one.


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