Fashion Film

Fashion Film: Even

by Catherine Long on 23 July 2008

Artist Catherine Long looks at the body politics of disability in this fashion film.

Artist Catherine Long looks at the body politics of disability in this fashion film.

Concept and Direction:


Fashion Film

Shortlist: We, Mexicans

17 October 2019
An intimate celebration of what it means to be Mexican, in a climate of anti-immigrant sentiment in America.
Fashion Film

Fashion Film: Cut Out

23 July 2008
Athlete, actress and model Aimee Mullins contemplates personal, public and political fashion in her film submission.
Fashion Film

Fashion Film: Portrait of Caitin Stickels

09 March 2017
Nick Knight's images of Instagram discovery Caitin Stickels are uncannily bestowed with movement in this beatific fashion film.
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