Part of: Political Fashion
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: Red Rose Pink Donkey
by Bernhard Willhelm and Dirk Bonn on 23 July 2008
Traditional Greek military uniform is used to subversive effect in Bernhard Willhelm and Dirk Bonn’s politically themed fashion film.
Traditional Greek military uniform is used to subversive effect in Bernhard Willhelm and Dirk Bonn’s politically themed fashion film.
Concept and Direction:
Bernhard Willhelm, Dirk Bonn
Interview: Britt Lloyd on 'Kind of Blue'
13 January 2020
An interview with director Britt Lloyd on the making of her fashion film, Kind of Blue.
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: Crossed Crocodiles Growl
05 November 2014
Designer Walter Van Beirendonck reinterprets the archetypal headgear of war, a helmet from 1914, in this film directed by artist Bart Hess.
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: Serve
06 August 2008
Rising menswear talent Carola Euler's fashion film features a sexy spin on the traditional tennis whites.