Part of: Political Fashion
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: Untitled
by Nick Knight on 23 July 2008
Nick Knight hits out at the normalisation of racism in the fashion industry in a fashion film starring Naomi Campbell.
Nick Knight hits out at the normalisation of racism in the fashion industry in a fashion film starring Naomi Campbell.
Concept and Direction:
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: Gareth Pugh A/W 17
21 August 2017
Our collective anxieties are explored in a fashion film for Gareth Pugh A/W 17.
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: Portrait of Caitin Stickels
09 March 2017
Nick Knight's images of Instagram discovery Caitin Stickels are uncannily bestowed with movement in this beatific fashion film.
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: Ottolinger
12 September 2024
Watch the Ottolinger fashion film directed by Nick Knight featuring Alex Consani.