Part of: 100 Women
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Lorna Foran by Fiona Gourlay

published on 2 November 2018

“The image I chose [by Sarah Moon] makes me feel so unique and empowered. I’m so proud that I get to produce art and hopefully inspire other girls, and people, that there are different versions of beauty in world.”

- Lorna Foran

“The image I chose [by Sarah Moon] makes me feel so unique and empowered. I’m so proud that I get to produce art and hopefully inspire other girls, and people, that there are different versions of beauty in world.”

Illustration: Fiona Gourlay
'Beauty Papers Magazine' Issue Five, Photography: Sarah Moon Styling: Marie Malterre Make-up : Stéphane Marais Hair: Guillaume Bérard
Lorna Foran
Illustration by:



Interview: Julie Verhoeven

03 April 2002
Penny Martin interviews illustrator Julie Verhoeven, examining her career in general and the Forget-Me-Not project in particular.

Interview: Mel Odom

14 April 2011
Illustrator Mel Odom speaks about his work and career with Alexander Fury.

Essay: Drawing on Style

10 September 2016
Drawing on Style: Connie Gray on fashion illustration’s path throughout history.
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