From: reza bahramy
Date: 3 April 2006 16:30:55 BDT
Subject: your answer ...
Dear Laura
This is your answers
Can you say something about your background?
I'm interested in music and painting more than cinema. I drew painting and caricature before I went to the university in Graphic field and I'm still more interested in history of painting and music than cinema.
Which field would you say you represent?
I make use of people and real location in a Docudrama.
How do commissions normally come to you?
I don't have any agent for my works. Now that my films have won many awards in Iran, more producers know me and they commission their films from me.
Would you say you have a standard process for starting an edit?
Yes... at the beginning I watch the rushes many time, after that, I find the idea for the main structure, and then I start to edit. I usually work all day.
Have you ever had to edit the same footage as someone else?
No this is the first time that I edit any film like this.
What kind of issues does the concept of 'Editing Fashion', where a range of people tackle the same material throw up?
One of attractivenesses of this project for me is to know what other participants have done with the same rushes. I have tried to arrange all that has interested me and I hope that my work will be different.
How will you begin viewing the rushes? Do you start recording time codes straight off or do you watch and then start editing?
I watch the rushes many time and then I begin to edit.
Do you use a storyboard?
For the beginning I write some notes, and I define the main direction. But I never use story board.
What software do you work on?
Adobe Premier and Edius
Have you had any initial thoughts on the Galliano footage so far?
Maybe John Galliano has done this kind of work for the first time, but i have seen this view about beauty in other forms of art and photography, like Diane Arbus.
Do you find yourself working differently when working with fashion material?
I have a mental basis for all of my works. So for me it doesn't matter whether I'm working for fashion or any other kind of arts.
Please let me know if the hard drive has arrived or not yet?
Best Wishes Reza