Part of: Punk: On the Runway
Interview: Simon Chilvers on Johnny Rotten
published on 28 August 2013’s men’s style director Simon Chilvers discusses the many designers who have paid tribute to Johnny Rotten’s mohair knits.’s men’s style director Simon Chilvers discusses the many designers who have paid tribute to Johnny Rotten’s mohair knits.
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Day 1: Punk
01 June 2013
On day one of his punk themed Tumblr curation, Nick Knight shared Jon Savage's 'Uninhabited London' series, along with Savage's top ten punk songs.
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Day 7: Punk
07 June 2013
For the final day of his curation, Nick Knight explored the post-punk and hip hop scenes of seventies New York...
Essay: I'm with the Band
08 May 2013
Behind the Seams: Jessica Bumpus on fashion's restored interest in music.