Part of: Monster Ball

Interactive: Monster Ball

published on 4 October 2011

Pop star! Explore a 3D Lady Gaga constellation, created by Daniel Brown from footage from the Monster Ball tour.

Pop star! Explore a 3D Lady Gaga constellation, created by Daniel Brown from footage from the Monster Ball tour.

Interactive Development:
3D Scanning:



Interactive: Sweet #2

10 November 2000
Nick Knight and Jane How's uncanny creations were captured in a series of 3D interactives. Explore number two of seven from every angle.

Interactive: Sweet #3

10 November 2000
Nick Knight and Jane How's uncanny creations were captured in a series of 3D interactives. Explore number three of seven from every angle.

Interactive: Sweet #1

10 November 2000
Nick Knight and Jane How's uncanny creations were captured in a series of 3D interactives. Explore number one of seven from every angle.
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