Part of: Future Tense
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: 0044
by 0044 on 6 August 2008
Japanese, Paris-based brand 0044 show off the rock 'n' roll spirit of their A/W 08 collection in this lo-fi fashion film.
Japanese, Paris-based brand 0044 show off the rock 'n' roll spirit of their A/W 08 collection in this lo-fi fashion film.
Concept and Direction:
Elizabeth Creseveur
Fashion Film
Winner of Best Long Format Film: #Roppa
17 October 2019
From Japanese street video company DID comes a film exploring the playful moments in daily life.
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: They Don‘t See Us
27 August 2021
Combining home video footage and green screen backdrops, Lithuanian director Agnė Roveršteinaitė's 'They Don‘t See Us' questions the reliability of memory.
Fashion Film
Shortlist: We, Mexicans
17 October 2019
An intimate celebration of what it means to be Mexican, in a climate of anti-immigrant sentiment in America.