Writer Toni Morrison Dies at Age 88

by SHOWstudio on 8 August 2019

Toni Morrison, the American writer who has received the Pullitzer Prize, Nobel Prize in Literature, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, has died at the age of 88 in New York.

Toni Morrison, the American writer who has received the Pullitzer Prize, Nobel Prize in Literature, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, has died at the age of 88 in New York.

Toni Morrison, the American writer who has received the Pullitzer Prize, Nobel Prize in Literature, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, has died at the age of 88 in New York. The celebrated author explored the black experience in America throughout her body of work, often showing the harsh reality of racism within the country.

Morrison is the author of 11 novels amongst children's books and essays, with some of the most prominent works being Beloved, The Bluest Eye, and Song of Salomon. In 1993, just after the release of Jazz, Morrison became the first African-American woman to win the Nobel Prize of Literature.

Morrison's novels pushed boundaries and were at times considered radical, however, she is one of the few American authors to consistently have their work see commercial and critical success. She will be remembered for shedding light on a largely shunned history in America and around the world, continuing a tradition of black storytelling and bringing black narratives to the forefront of contemporary culture.


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