TagTagShaun SamsonFilterFilterRefine ByResultsResultsShow ReportShow Report: Fashion East A/W 15 MenswearLou Stoppard reports on the Fashion East A/W 15 menswear show.A/W 15Edward CrutchleyShowFashion East A/W 15 MenswearLondon Autumn / Winter 2015Designers: Shaun Samson, Alan Crocetti, Edward Crutchley, Roxanne Farahmand and Grace Wales BonnerA/W 15Edward CrutchleyShowFashion East S/S 15 MenswearLondon Spring / Summer 2015Designers: Martine Rose, Marques'Almeida, Edward Crutchley, Alan Crocetti and Shaun SamsonS/S 15Marques'AlmeidaShow ReportShow Report: Shaun Samson S/S 14 MenswearLou Stoppard reports on the Shaun Samson S/S 14 menswear show.S/S 14 CommentaryCritical AnalysisLive Panel DiscussionPanel Discussion: Shaun Samson S/S 14 MenswearColin McDowell, James Brown, Chris Sutton, Mandi Lennard and Daryoush Haj-Najafi discuss the Shaun Samson show.S/S 14 CommentaryCritical AnalysisShowShaun Samson S/S 14 MenswearLondon Spring / Summer 2014Designer: Shaun SamsonMenswearS/S 14ShowShaun Samson A/W 13 MenswearLondon Autumn / Winter 2013Designer: Shaun SamsonA/W 13MenswearShow ReportShow Report: Shaun Samson A/W 13 MenswearLou Stoppard reports on the Shaun Samson A/W 13 menswear show.A/W 13 CommentaryCritical AnalysisShowMAN S/S 13 MenswearLondon Spring / Summer 2013Designers: Agi & Sam, Astrid Andersen and Shaun SamsonS/S 13Lulu KennedyShow ReportShow Report: MAN S/S 13 MenswearHywel Davies reports on the MAN S/S 13 menswear show.S/S 13Critical AnalysisBack to top