TagTagCensorshipFilterFilterRefine ByResultsResultsImage GalleryImage Gallery: SHADOW-BANExplore the extensive selection of painting, sculpture, film and photography exhibited as part of SHOWstudio's exhibition, SHADOW-BAN, together with a collaboration with the Tom of Finland Foundation.EroticCensorshipProjectSHADOW-BANBringing together a collection of artists united in challenging the suppression of illicit and taboo subjects by mainstream platforms, SHADOW-BAN invites the public to reassess how their own morality is shaped by societal pressures.EroticCensorshipInterviewSHADOW-BAN Artist Interviews: View AllArt and culture editor Christina Donoghue interviewed many of the artists showing work in SHADOW-BAN to hear what they had to say on the changing landscape of censorship, erotica, politics and more.EroticCensorshipNewsInstagram and Black Censorship: Where Did It All Go So Wrong?The censorship of black artists on and offline has gone on far too long. But who is to blame...Instagram's users or the platform itself.EssayEssay: Red Flag, Blue PencilConstructed: Lara Johnson-Wheeler on how China's restrictions on online content, art and freedom of speech affect both established and emerging creatives.CensorshipTechnologyInterviewInterview: Layla Sailor on Chinese Fashion FilmArtist and educator Layla Sailor discusses censorship, creativity and teaching fashion film in China.StudentsCensorshipEssayEssay: Why a Square Nation Should Come OutBobby Luo, with the help of ghost writer Firdaos Pidau, posits that Singapore's conservative views on sexuality are holding back its art.Asian FashionQueer CultureEssayEssay: The Worst Thing in The WorldKilled: John Taylor on the role of photographic images in experiencing catastrophe, specifically that of 9/11.CensorshipViolenceEssayEssay: A War Against AestheticsKilled: Jo-Ann Furniss on fashion's reactions - knee-jerk or otherwise - to September 11.CensorshipViolenceImage GalleryEditorial Gallery: KilledA selection of controversial editorial and catwalk imagery of 2001-2002, some of which was never published.David SimsCensorshipProjectKilledFocusing on fashion imagery published and withdrawn at the time of the attacks of 9/11, Killed examines work by Raf Simons, David Sims, Nick Knight and more.ViolenceEditorialsBack to top