Launched on 01 April 2019
Prior to the key fashion weeks, the SHOWstudio team is often found discussing the set and background for our live panel discussions, questioning how to continually push the visuals; shall we paint it gold? Shall we all sit on porcelain thrones? Shall we have the panellists walk while they talk? For the womenswear A/W 19 season, our gallery manager Bex Cassie had the idea of inviting the brilliant illustrator, Beth Fraser, to curate the space.
Main Contributors
Tumblr Takeover: Dominic Myatt
01 May 2018
May 2018's Tumblr curator is London based artist and tattooist Dominic Myatt.
Flip Flop Flyin' Does Spring/Summer 2003
01 April 2003
Digital artist Craig Robinson appropriated his favourite glossy ad campaigns from S/S 03 to make an interactive, animated world.
31 July 2020
A project celebrating Alexander McQueen's 2003 CBE award, allowing a rare window into the designer at work.
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