Part of: The Fashion Body
Fashion Film
Concept, Direction and Hair:
Image Gallery
Day 1: Hair by Sam McKnight
01 November 2016
For day one of his Tumblr takeover, Sam McKnight's archivist Tory Turk digs up some of the highlight's of the hair stylist's career.
Image Gallery
Day 2: Hair by Sam McKnight
02 November 2016
Celebrating the opening of the new exhibition, Hair by Sam McKnight, McKnight's archivist Tory Turk post some of the highlight's of the hair stylist's career on the SHOWstudio Tumblr.
Interview: Shonagh Marshall
14 July 2016
Lou Stoppard interviews Shonagh Marshall, the curator of hair stylist Sam McKnight's 2016 exhibition at Somerset House.