Part of: Subjective

Interview: Liberty Ross on Nick Knight

published on 17 June 2015

Liberty Ross and Nick Knight discuss their long working relationship, modelling after motherhood and the importance of performance within fashion imagery.

Liberty Ross and Nick Knight discuss their long working relationship, modelling after motherhood and the importance of performance within fashion imagery.

Interview by:



Interview: Liberty Ross on Dress Me Up, Dress Me Down

28 June 2005
Model Liberty Ross discusses working with Nick Knight and SHOWstudio viewers on the Dress Me Up, Dress Me Down project with The Independent's Fashion Editor Susannah Frankel.

Interview: Nick Thornton Jones, Warren Du Preez & UVA

25 March 2004
Image-makers Nick Thornton Jones and Warren Du Preez, and creative collective UVA, speak about their collaboration with designer Hamish Morrow with Magda Keaney.

Interview: M/M (Paris) on Antigone

25 November 2004
Michael Amzalag and Mathias Augustyniak of M/M (Paris) discuss their work on the Antigone opera.
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