Part of: Studs

Interview: Beau

published on 5 October 2012

Lou Stoppard interviews Studs model Beau about her personal style choices.

Lou Stoppard interviews Studs model Beau about her personal style choices.

Lou Stoppard: Just to start, do you mind telling me a bit about yourself?

Beau: Well, I’m 19, I’m a lesbian, I’m sporty, very outgoing, I don’t know...I just party, chill with people. I’m a socialite, I guess.

LS: The shoot we did with Nick, it was very much about how you all present yourselves visually, would you say you had quite a distinctive look? And is that look quite important to you, to your personality?

B: I have a different look, not many people dress like me really - not that I really stand out or anything. I just wear shirts and jeans and stuff, I just like to look presentable. I take pride in that.

LS: You mention that you are a lesbian, is that something you’ve always been aware of or is that something you took a while to work out about yourself?

B: Yea it took a little while but I knew something, I knew I was a bit different from others.

LS: You say you knew you were a little different from others, when did that realisation come?

B: I think when I was around 12 or 13.

LS: And was that quite a difficult process?

B: Yes, definitely because at that time I was going through other things as well, like I got expelled from school and my Nan was passing away and all that.

LS: Were your family supportive or did you find those around you were quite shocked by it?

B: No they were supportive, I was just worried because I didn’t know how they would take it, so I didn’t really say anything to anyone.

LS: You mentioned that no one really dresses like you and you have quite a distinctive look, is that quite deliberate, do you like to present yourself as very unique and different to those around you?

B: Yeah, definitely yeah, I do.

LS: Why is that?

B: I really don’t know, I like to be different. I like to look good as well. I don’t really like to be the same as others because I’m very different from people.

Yeah, I always tell people to be yourself, what’s the worst that could happen? Just be true and real at the end of the day.

LS: You say very different, what do you mean by that, how would you define yourself as being very different?

B: I don’t follow the crowd, I’m more of a trend-setter if anything.

LS: You say you’re a trend-setter, do you enjoy inspiring other people?

B: Yeah, I always tell people to be yourself, what’s the worst that could happen? Just be true and real at the end of the day.

LS: I’m interested because there’s a lot of terminology that’s passed around, such as Studs, or Femmes or Butch, and that seems to go against being totally unique. Do you find that quite frustrating, do you use any of those terms or do you find them quite annoying?

B: Well Studs, a few years ago, was masculine and feminine but now it’s changed so much and there are so many categories nowadays and I don’t like to put myself in any categories but if I would, I’d call myself Butch definitely.

LS: So how would you define Butch in how you see yourself?

B: Protective, loving, caring. I don’t really think about what other people think really, whether they judge me, do you know what I mean? I’m not sure but I’m not a Stud or anything like that. I’m really masculine, I’m always working out, just doing stuff you know.

LS: Do you want to follow masculine pursuits or is it something that’s innate, natural to you?

B: That’s just how it is, I never really played with Barbies when I was little, I played with Action Men, but I knew I was a girl and everything. I don’t really do what ladies do.

LS: So what do you prefer to do with your time?

B: Exercise really, exercise. Or chill with my family or something, or go out.

LS: Do you ever get annoyed with ideas of how the genders should be? Do you ever find it frustrating that people have this idea that girls should wear dresses and make-up?

B: Yea I do find it frustrating.

LS: Why do you think they think that?

B: I think they’re self-conscious. I don’t know why they are but I think they are. I don’t judge books by their covers, it’s all about who the person is at the end of the day, for me.

LS: Do you think that’s changing, do you think people are becoming more accepting of people trying to blur the line a little bit and becoming less typically male or female?

B: To tell you the truth I think as time goes on people are becoming more conscious. Like Studs, they have tattoos and piercings and all that, it’s become a trend now. That’s why I think for people who aren’t really lesbians, I think it’s like a trend for them, do you know what I mean?

LS: Do you find that frustrating?

B: I do find that a little frustrating, that’s why I’m not really in the gay scene because people go partying and there’s not even a party, they’re just there to watch other people. I can’t understand that really.

LS: What do you hope for the future, are you looking for someone to spend a long time with, to have kids, to live together, what are you looking forward to?

B: I just want to find someone for me, to tell you the truth, I’ve always wanted to my whole life. So when that happens, I guess I’ll think about future plans, like kids or something like that. I don’t think I’m ever going to find someone though, I’m not going to lie. I would have found them a long time ago, wouldn't I?

LS: Do you ever meet people who inspire you? Who you can look up to as a role model or just because you find them interesting?

B: Yea, I make a lot of friends and that. A role model? The only person I really look up to is my mum really. I’m not going to lie.

LS: Why do you look up to her?

B: She’s a strong character, a strong female.

Interview by:



Interview: Teanna

09 October 2012
'Studs' model Teanna speaks to Lou Stoppard about the downsides of labels and subcultures in this transcribed audio interview.

Interview: Chulo

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'Studs' model Cholu discusses rethinking gendered dressing with Lou Stoppard in this interview transcript.

Interview: Naechanè

08 October 2012
Naechanè Valentino discusses the process of transitioning, grieving and separating from a previous identity in this interview transcript.
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