Part of: Sportswear

Video Essay: Caps

by Daryoush Haj-Najafi on 4 October 2017

Writer Daryoush Haj-Najafi charts the social relevance of the baseball cap, tapping into his experiences and extensive knowledge.

Writer Daryoush Haj-Najafi charts the social relevance of the baseball cap, tapping into his experiences and extensive knowledge.

Concept and Direction:
Lou Stoppard and Nick Knight
Photography and Filming:
Film Edit:
Editorial Assistance:
Georgina Evans, Helena Fletcher, Barbora Kozusnikova and Lauren Sharkey



Video Essay: Tracksuits

28 July 2016
GQ Style's Elgar Johnson discusses the tracksuit, referencing chav culture and his personal experiences with the garment's social stigma.

Video Essay: Puffer Jacket

24 May 2016
Photographer Jason Evans about his favourite Patagonia down jacket, referencing club culture, capitalism and consumer culture.

Video Essay: Hoodies

18 September 2015
Writer Gary Warnett offers a cultural history of the hoodie, citing the likes of E.T and Juice and unpicking the stigma associated with the garment.
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