Part of: Punk: On the Runway
Interview: David St John-James on A/W 06
published on 2 October 2013
Port’s David St John-James discusses the rebellious season that was A/W 06, citing both Gareth Pugh and Junya Watanabe as stand out shows.
Port’s David St John-James discusses the rebellious season that was A/W 06, citing both Gareth Pugh and Junya Watanabe as stand out shows.
Interview by:
David St John-James
Interview: Nicole Phelps on Junya Watanabe A/W 06
05 June 2013’s Executive Editor Nicole Phelps reveals why, for her, Junya Watanabe’s A/W 06 collection perfectly embodies punk.
Interview: Simon Chilvers on Johnny Rotten
28 August 2013’s men’s style director Simon Chilvers discusses the many designers who have paid tribute to Johnny Rotten’s mohair knits.
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: Off the Rails
08 November 2013
Our latest Punk film, featuring fashion from Gareth Pugh, comes from filmmaker Laura Falconer and looks at the modern day surveillance society we live in.