Part of: Moving Logos
Voicemail Interview

Voicemail Interview: Dirk Koy on Animation, VR and Logos

published on 9 June 2020

Long hypnotised by the work of filmmaker and motion graphics artist Dirk Koy, SHOWstudio asked the creative to reimagine our logo with twelve animations. In his work, Koy uses different technologies such as drones, 2D and 3D animation, photogrammetry, AR and VR to create moving digital images. He investigates the interface between reality and virtuality, upending viewers' expectations of focus and perspective.

Discussing the different technologies at play, including drones and photogrammetry, Koy talks to Hetty Mahlich about his video work, creative process, upending traditional perspective, and his SHOWstudio logo animations.

Long hypnotised by the work of filmmaker and motion graphics artist Dirk Koy, SHOWstudio asked the creative to reimagine our logo with twelve animations. In his work, Koy uses different technologies such as drones, 2D and 3D animation, photogrammetry, AR and VR to create moving digital images. He investigates the interface between reality and virtuality, upending viewers' expectations of focus and perspective.

Interview by:


Voicemail Interview

Voicemail Interview: Zach Lieberman on Coding and Art

14 May 2021
The artist Zach Lieberman called up to Nick Merdasi to talk about computational poetry and the animated logos he designed for SHOWstudio.
Voicemail Interview

Voicemail Interview: Rafa Diniz on Computational Art

10 November 2021
Visionary artist Rafa Diniz explains software programming and computational art for the uninitiated.

Interview: Cecilia Erlich on Text, Type and Modern Day Graphics

01 June 2022
Delighting in making text and type works of art in their own right, graphic designer Cecilia Erlich spoke to editorial assistant Christina Donoghue about her work, influences and the artistic duality type can offer.
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