Launched on 19 November 2008
When Dazed & Confused tasked Nick Knight with shooting Gareth Pugh’s Autumn/Winter 2008 collection, the image maker took the opportunity to showcase the brutal geometry and raw fire of Pugh’s creations in a mesmerising fashion film alongside the bewitching editorial.
Gareth Pugh S/S 11
29 September 2010
For Spring/Summer 2011, Gareth Pugh’s guests were dazzled by a stadium sized fashion film projection, shown here exclusively on SHOWstudio.
Gareth Pugh A/W 09
04 March 2009
Gareth Pugh chose to present his Autumn/Winter 2009 collection via fashion film, starring Natasa Vojnovic.
Gareth Pugh Pitti Immagine #79 2011
13 January 2011
For his Pitti Immagine debut, Gareth Pugh collaborated with Ruth Hogben on an opulent fashion film.
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