
Performance Film: Screen

by Harold Offeh and Eloise Calandre on 3 February 2012

Artists Harold Offeh and Eloise Calandre collaborate to explore concepts of portraiture in a series of provocative performances. The second film in the series builds on the provocative theme of the first, exploring the potentials and possibilities of facial expression, using Calandre's own face as a screen for a re-projection of her features. 

Artists Harold Offeh and Eloise Calandre collaborate to explore concepts of portraiture in a series of provocative performances. The second film in the series builds on the provocative theme of the first, exploring the potentials and possibilities of facial expression, using Calandre's own face as a screen for a re-projection of her features. 


Live Stream

Live Stream: Queering Day 1

12 July 2018
Our immersive live stream explores the verb form of the word queer, 'Queering', creating a space where gender, sexuality, masculinity and femininity can be challenged and questioned.

Performance Film: Covers

03 February 2012
As part of an exclusive project for SHOWstudio, artist Harold Offeh continues his Covers series, appearing as '3Ball Charlie', a thirties freak show performer.

Performance Film: Smile

03 February 2012
Artists Harold Offeh and Eloise Calandre play with the concept of the smile as a gesture of friendship and approval, transforming it into a painful endurance test.
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