Part of: Gareth Pugh S/S 15
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: Ascension
by Andrew Thomas Huang on 24 September 2014
This mythic, otherworldly fashion film closed Gareth Pugh's S/S 15 presentation as part of a trio of films made especially for the occasion.
This mythic, otherworldly fashion film closed Gareth Pugh's S/S 15 presentation as part of a trio of films made especially for the occasion.
Andrew Thomas Huang
Gareth Pugh A/W 15
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: Megalith
24 September 2014
A line-up of British folklore characters from the mind of Gareth Pugh; the first in a trio of films created for his S/S 15 presentation.
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: Chaos
24 September 2014
Dive into Gareth Pugh’s dark menacing vision of Pagan anarchy; the second in a trio of fashion films created for his S/S 15 presentation.
Fashion Film
Fashion Film: Gareth Pugh Pitti Immagine #79 2011
13 January 2011
A divine short inspired by saintly Florentine imagery; watch Ruth Hogben’s fashion film, created for Gareth Pugh’s debut at Pitti Immagine #79.