Part of: Future Tense
Fashion Film

Fashion Film: A Sweater For The World

by Antoine Peters on 6 August 2008

Designer Antoine Peters documented his project 'A Sweater for the World' on film, an enormous two-person sweater designed with the aim of bringing as many different individuals together as possible, in order to challenge people's intolerances.

Designer Antoine Peters documented his project 'A Sweater for the World' on film, an enormous two-person sweater designed with the aim of bringing as many different individuals together as possible, in order to challenge people's intolerances.

Willem Gerritsen


Fashion Film

Shortlist: Cry of the City

17 October 2019
Dialogue from Robert Siodmak's 1941 gangster film Cry of the City soundtracks the alienation of urban migration.
Fashion Film

Fashion Film: Waltz of Fragments

29 January 2021
Younji Ku dives into the repressed desires of the mind, envisioning the reality of our unconscious.
Fashion Film

Fashion Film: Gareth Pugh S/S 16

23 September 2015
Save Soho! Gareth Pugh’s S/S 16 starry eyed bad girls take centre stage in a fashion film by Ruth Hogben.
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