Launched on 04 February 2013
A Magazine selected the wonderful Stephen Jones as curator for their 12th issue. As part of this glimpse into his artistic world, the milliner and magazine invited print doyenne Celia Birtwell into the SHOWstudio live space for an illustration-themed stream.
Main Contributors
Glamour On A Budget
01 December 2010
Milliner Stephen Jones took up residence at SHOWstudio to craft two festive, flora-inspired pieces live on camera.
Stephen Doherty's Couture
05 July 2014
SHOWstudio invited artist Stephen Doherty to draw haute couture looks from the Paris A/W 14 couture shows straight onto our wall.
F for Flowers
30 May 2019
Nick Knight and artist Flora Starkey capture the poetic elegance of Kim Jones' Dior for A Magazine Curated By.
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