Fashion Film

Winner of Best Animated Film: OFFSET

by Arice on 17 October 2019

A celebration of creativity, exploring the need for (and fear of) self-expression through the motif of a scarecrow which, although an example of craft, also serves a purpose.

A celebration of creativity, exploring the need for (and fear of) self-expression through the motif of a scarecrow which, although an example of craft, also serves a purpose.

Direction and CG Artistry:
CG Artistry and Motion Design:
Chris McLoughlin, Manus Goan
Music and Sound Design:
Damian Molony, Simon Bird
Mathilde Bosquillon de Jenlis (violinist), Gabrielė Dikčiūtė (cellist), Rachael Lavelle (vocalist)
Number 4
Windmill Create


Fashion Film

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