
Rites of Passage: Otamere Guobadia

by Otamere Guobadia on 22 July 2022

'I did not understand my father until I became him. Who we are is in our blood, and our blood must pursue us until the bitter end', writer Otamere Guobadia says in a spoken word piece meditating on personal growth and intergenerational relationships.

'I did not understand my father until I became him. Who we are is in our blood, and our blood must pursue us until the bitter end', writer Otamere Guobadia says in a spoken word piece meditating on personal growth and intergenerational relationships.

  • How would you describe what you do?

Otamere Guobadia: Multi-disciplinary writer.

  • What is your background?

OG: Nigerian.

  • What inspires you?

OG: Love and lovers.

  • What is the ambition behind your practice?

OG: To not waste a single moment of this brief crack of light.

  • What did you hope to convey with your Bodies Of Knowledge film?

OG: 'My own heart poisons the well.'

Film Concept and Direction:



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