
Braiding Patterns: Taiba Akhuetie

by Taiba Akhuetie on 22 July 2022

Hair stylist and so-called braiding guru Taiba Akhuetie shows the art of hair braiding on camera, demonstrating how a classic braided look can be transformed.

Hair stylist and so-called braiding guru Taiba Akhuetie shows the art of hair braiding on camera, demonstrating how a classic braided look can be transformed.

  • What is your background?

Taiba Akhuetie: Nigerian.

  • What inspires you?

TH: Anything can inspire me depending on my mood! But I have to admit I often wing it and as I go on I become more inspired to develop the idea. The planning phase stays vague until I touch my first strand of hair!

  • What is the ambition behind your practice?

TH: To turn everything into hair.

  • What did you hope to convey with your Bodies Of Knowledge film?

TH: How a classic braided look can be transformed using the same techniques with structure.

Film Concept and Direction:



Hair: Tiffani Glenn Grimsley

22 July 2022
Fine artist Tiffani Glenn Grimsley celebrates the beauty of textured hair, and defies negative stereotypes in this film.
Fashion Film

Cheeks: Aweng Ade-Chuol

22 July 2022
The model and activist delivers an intimate love letter to her cheeks to camera.

Interview: Little Bear

13 July 2016
A burlesque dancer, sideshow performer and opera singer, Little Bear is interviewed via Skype by CSM student Rachel Cohen as part of the Hair project.
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