Part of: 200 Portraits
Video Portrait: Lady Gaga
published on 6 December 2009
Musician Lady Gaga; one of 200 cultural icons captured by Nick Knight for the 30th anniversary issue of i-D magazine.
Musician Lady Gaga; one of 200 cultural icons captured by Nick Knight for the 30th anniversary issue of i-D magazine.
Concept and Direction:
Essay: Nick Knight on Plato's Atlantis
03 April 2019
Nick Knight shared his memories of the show that changed the future of fashion with Emma Hope Allwood.
Interactive: Monster Ball
04 October 2011
Pop star! Explore a 3D Lady Gaga constellation, created by Daniel Brown from footage from the Monster Ball tour.
Image Gallery
Research and References: March 2012
01 March 2012
Explore visual inspirations behind editorials by stylists Alister Mackie, Anna Trevelyan and Edward Enninful, and set deigner Gideon Ponte's references for Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' video.