Steve Emberton
Steve Emberton's photos have been used on album sleeves, in magazines, newspapers, books and on TV for over thirty years around the world. Emberton began his career as staff photographer for music paper Record Mirror. His impressive stock of imagery has also been featured in several other influential publications such as NME and Sounds. In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine selected Emberton’s iconic image of Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen for their 50th Anniversary of Rock issue where they selected 50 portraits of the genre’s most influential stars.
Steve Emberton's photos have been used on album sleeves, in magazines, newspapers, books and on TV for over thirty years around the world. Emberton began his career as staff photographer for music paper Record Mirror. His impressive stock of imagery has also been featured in several other influential publications such as NME and Sounds. In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine selected Emberton’s iconic image of Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen for their 50th Anniversary of Rock issue where they selected 50 portraits of the genre’s most influential stars.