Part of: Spring / Summer 2017
Round-up Discussion
Round-Up Discussion: London S/S 17 Womenswear
published on 11 October 2016
Lou Stoppard, Masha Mombelli, Mimma Viglezio, Sasha Wilkins, Rebecca Gonsalves and Danielle Radojcin discuss the London S/S 17 womenswear shows.
Lou Stoppard, Masha Mombelli, Mimma Viglezio, Sasha Wilkins, Rebecca Gonsalves and Danielle Radojcin discuss the London S/S 17 womenswear shows.
Round-up Discussion
Round-Up Discussion: London S/S 15 Womenswear
14 October 2014
Lou Stoppard, Hilary Alexander, Bertie Brandes, Tallulah Harlech and Charlie Byrne discuss the London womenswear S/S 15 collections.
Round-up Discussion
Panel Discussion: London S/S 18 Womenswear
24 October 2017
Guest chair Georgina Evans is joined by India Doyle, Hilary Alexander, Princess Julia and Danielle Radojcin to review the London S/S 18 Womenswear shows.
Round-up Discussion
Round-Up Discussion: London S/S 16 Womenswear
15 October 2015
Lou Stoppard, Frances Corner, Gianluca Longo, Tom Rasmussen and Sasha Wilkins discuss the London S/S 16 womenswear collections.